Casa El Suizo TRINIDAD, the best you will find in the city to stay
Casa El Suizo TRINIDAD is one of the most beautiful and professional houses at the service of renting rooms to tourists visiting the city of Trinidad. From the moment he arrives at the house, he is received and correctly oriented in a Reception or Folder. For rent they have 5 air-conditioned rooms, all located on the ground floor, where there are no architectural barriers. The beds are prepared with clean sheets, they are comfortable and spacious. Each room has a private bathroom inside, with permanent hot and cold water service. The necessary elements for personal hygiene such as soap, shampoo, towels, hair dryer and toilet paper are also provided free of charge.
There is WIFI service, free from 6 pm - 7 pm. There is a Bar where cocktails and refreshing drinks are prepared. They provide a free map, with recommendations on the best places to visit in the city. The house landline can be used free of charge to make local calls and to contact the next destination.